Chris’ Corner: Switch

The “switch” is a pretty common design pattern on the web. It’s pretty much a checkbox. In fact, under the HTML hood, it really ought to be an or perhaps a with just two s (or a third if there is an indeterminate state). But unfortunately, the web doesn’t give us any […]

The “switch” is a pretty common design pattern on the web. It’s pretty much a checkbox. In fact, under the HTML hood, it really ought to be an or perhaps a


And here’s what it looks like by default:

No big surprise there! It’s the native iOS toggle come to life. It respects accent-color in CSS like other form controls, which is great. But better, it has really sensible pseudo elements you can grab and style. You get ::thumb and ::track elements (nice clear naming) plus ::before and ::after work on the element itself, so there are a lot of possibilities.

.custom-switch { }
.custom-switch::thumb { }
.custom-switch::track { }

.custom-switch:checked::thumb { }
.custom-switch:checked::track { }

.custom-switch::checked::after { }
.custom-switch::checked::before { }

Tim Nguyen has demos that do a good job of showing off the possibilities with clean readable CSS.

The best part of browsers providing this kind of thing for us, to me, is that now you don’t have to worry about dinking up the accessibility. Now, as long as you follow the normal HTML structure of a labelled checkbox in a form, you’re good. No worries about the way you hid the original checkbox screwing things up. You are taking visual control though, so do take care to make sure the checked and unchecked values are at least as clear as a checked or unchecked checkbox.

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